Abbie is a hard working, loving mother who does what she can. She puts other before herself, and is loyal to her child. She gets him what he wants when he wants it, even if it is not the right time. She should be everyone’s mother, because everyone should get a chance to love her. Sometimes her child, Kellen, makes a mistake that he regrets, and doesn’t get the chance to say sorry. So Abbie is a incomparable person who every one should get the chance of meeting. Love u mom
Abbie, I love you!!
by madden866 October 26, 2022
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Abbie is a hard working, positive mother who does what she can. She will get past any obstacle that comes her way, and any road block that she does across. She will Do what ever it takes for her child, Kellen. She will put others before herself, even where she shouldn’t. Sometimes her child acts up when he should have, and he did t get the chance to say sorry. I’m sorry mom, luv u
Abbie, love u !!
by madden866 October 26, 2022
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Abbie is the very best friend you can have, she is aways there when you have worst day of you life and can make it the best day of your life, this an make any bad memory and turn it into a memory that will stick with you for life. she doesn't know that I have written this for her, but if ur reading this Abbie, hey it's Susie,call me as soon as u read this. If you have a Abbie in your life, ur a very lucky person.
Is that Abbie?

Yeah, she's a very good friend.
by Ketchuphoodie November 3, 2019
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Abbie is the most trustworthy friend you will ever have. She usually has brown hair. She will stick you for a long time and will always, always keep a secret. Abbie is creative and very naturally fashionable and can pull off anything she wears, from Christmas sweaters to school blazers. She is good at going with the flow and can sometimes be shy but once you get to know her she comes out of her shell. You are super lucky to have an Abbie as a friend!
Hey, Abbie, you want to go shopping?”
by TheDefiningExpert November 3, 2020
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very big emo
person 1 : omg look at that emo
person 2 : yep thats abbie
by oliftyuirtf April 4, 2021
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Abbie is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She’s blonde with blue eyes, she’s average height and in summer months has cute freckles on her nose. She’s hilariously clumsy and can make you smile at any given moment. Abbie is a loyal friend who will never let you down, I can honestly say Abbies the nicest person I’ve ever met. If you let Abbie go it’s your loss!
If your down speak to Abbie, she’s your medicine.
by Avocadosarelovely November 26, 2020
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Abbie is an outgoing person. She can be extremely cold to those she doesn’t like, so you wanna be on her good side. When on her good side, she will be loyal to you through thick and thin. She does not have a great self esteem about herself, so she gravitates towards those who love on her no matter what. She typically likes blondes, however, she occasionally likes the brunettes (and maybe even gingers too!). However, she cares a lot about personality, too! She likes to be with people who have a sense of humor and sarcasm, and she’s sarcastic too! Yet, she can still be a very serious person. She may not seem like it, but she is an amazing person to talk to, and will listen to your opinions on ANYTHING! Abbie is a very intelligent person (like gets all As kind of smart). She is not necessarily popular, but she is very well known. Abbie tends to be friends with many people, but she has 2-3 friends she is really close to. Although Abbie is not the most popular, she is friends with the popular girls/boys. She doesn’t pull all the boys, but she gets compliments as to how she looks and pulls some :) She is easy to talk to, and knows a bunch of random facts for no reason.
I wish I was on Abbie’s good side, but I ruined our relationship in third grade!
by Gods.not.dead July 3, 2023
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