When yo girl is so fine and smellin good you just want to bite her
When your girl walks in the room after you haven't seen her all day lookin vicious and smelling delicious because she is wearing that perfume that takes your breath away cause it smells so good and lookin good because she just be lookin good
by Lookin vicious and smelling de December 4, 2020
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When you hear something and you know somethings not right - something "fishy" Instead, you say I'm smelling poo
I hear that Bradford claimed on a birth certificate that a boy was his, but the kid looks nothing like him and blood type is different. I'm smelling poo. I think his wife Shirley put him up to signing a fraudulent birth certificate to hide the real fathers identity out of spite for the true father
by poida August 12, 2021
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A phrase used by people who have never smelt chloroform and/or those who don't know how chloroform actually works. Supposedly the person will pass out after sniffing a rag soaked in chloroform like in the movies, but in reality they would think it's some kind of cleaning fluid with fragrance if it hasn't evaporated in less than a minute.
He asked "does this smell like chloroform" before handing me a rag that seemed to be wet. I said "yes, that's trichloroethylene and it smells like chloroform"
by vaegsoojumus September 26, 2023
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There is a smell of water in the kitchen.

There is a smell of water in the sitting room.
There is a smell of water in the bathroom.
There is a smell of water in my nose.
by Debskelly1985 April 13, 2023
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Old school Spanglish for that cat-piss smell or that nasty wet basement smell that smells like cat piss. Typically only seen used in Denver so far…
Walks into shed out back with stains on the walls. Uncle says, “Eeeholay, smells like meow in here! Phhheww!”
by Den-ber’s native son February 18, 2022
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