Much like a Hot Karl (with the whole pooping on someone for kicks) but this is the female version that includes a little more mascara and a lot less chest hair.
I can't believe that woman in the bank lineup gave me a Hot Karen.


I just heard Hot Karen on the radio and she made me self Hot Karl myself.
by Capt Scotty June 13, 2011
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“Ok Karen” is a term used to dismiss people who are particularly vivacious or demanding. Karen is a stereotyped name of a woman who likes to speak to the manager and has -that- haircut, which in turn makes the term “Ok Karen.”
“”In about two seconds I’m gonna get really angry because you didn’t wash the dishes like I told you to.”

“Ok Karen.”
by Birdiessongs4 September 17, 2019
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A women who typically displays the characteristics of a regular Karen, except one the specializes in mask shaming others. This shaming is usually done via social media and includes phrases like “Mask Up”, “If I can wear one you can too” “Wear a Mask, Save A Life” and other similar catch phrases.

Mask Karen’s usually feel the need to promote their stance in order for others to believe they are a good person, and provide self promotion by ‘patting themselves on the back’
“I wear a mask to protect you, and you wear one to protect me” - Mask Karen

“If I can wear a mask, you can too” -Mask Karen
by cd44 November 16, 2020
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A derogatory term used for Karens who believe in pseudoscientific bullstuffs, apply essential oils to their babies because they don't believe in vaccination, and act like they have Doctor of Medicine in all medical specialties because they read one blog article that opposes modern medicine. Ramble in digression to sound smart with scientific terms being used but nothing makes no sense when they said something, sometimes they are just straight-up stupid.
Doctor: *smacks table* Vaccination works, look what the essential oils have done to your baby! It does nothing!

Karen: Oh, he got the diseases because of 5G waves. 'Diseases' don't exist because it is biologically categorized mindlessly by you doctors. He is healthy if diseases don't exist. So, you doctors should stop categorizing diseases if people want to be healthy. If there are no diseases being categorized, then every people on Earth will not have diseases.

Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry Dr. Karen or Karen MD in the letter. I am sure you have a Doctor of Medicine in all fields. I only have MBBS only. I respect your knowledge of medicine. Who are thy so wise in the way of science!
by maxweber27 November 19, 2020
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When a Karen ascends to her true form she becomes a Karen Brol.
Krol: Spits in Karen’s food
Karen: *ascends*
Krol: *dies*
Karen Brol: *laughs*
by Derildu August 23, 2021
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A way of creating a situation featuring a white woman who is surrounded in a way she can't leave so that a viral video can be made.
Guys gathering around a Karen "Gonna cry? Going to call the cops on us, Karen"
Karen: "Nah, I'm not falling for your Karen Trap. I'll stay here until you get bored."
by The Dumpstress May 30, 2023
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the most foul being of all. she can be seen driving the kids to soccer practice in her SUV. she has the can i speak to your manager haircut. workplace managers fear her. when she is not driving the kids to soccer practice, dance class, or the spelling bee, she is usually at home on Facebook. she divorces her husband, takes the kids, is a pseudoscientist/anti-vaxxer/flat-earther, participates in MLMs and demands to speak to the manager. she firmly believes in the ESRB rating system, or her version of it. which is as follows: ec: 3-10, E and E10: 11 and up, T and M: not in this house. none of her kids are vaccinated and they are all homeschooled

in short, she is a fucking bitch
Mega-Karen is the most powerful evil entity
by Anonymous_user_69 February 11, 2020
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