If Davis Moment is destroyed by battle or card effect, special summon this card in face up attack position.


ATK/0007 DEF/1800

69420666 1st Edition ©2001 Joe Mama
That sure was a Davis Moment II
by The Grimbo Master August 31, 2023
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not a clue how to spell the name but Abby curie-Davis doesn't need a name, shes that fantastic. as soon as she walks through the door, church bells start ringing. she plays Roblox... and her mums low-key kinda fit.
jonathon: oh my golly gosh there's Abby Curie-Davis

jonathons friend: oh holly molly I'm gonna faint, her beauty is overwhelming
by Ur.mums.a.fitty.69 September 3, 2022
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When an alcohol soaked tampon is pulled from someone's butthole and then placed into a mix drink of choice. That mix is then called a Davy Jones' Locker.
Hey, what do ya say we shove some of this rum up our asses and later we can go back to my place and have ourselves a Davy Jones' Lockers?
by Frodo T Baggin December 10, 2022
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Definition of a recycle davis is when a person goes over to heroine addicts house to save them from over dosing and the addict just got done giving oral and the savior receives a non-intentional (snowball)
My buddy went to save his neighbor but ended up becoming a recycle davis.
by Caveman83 February 1, 2017
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Barrie J Davies was born in Wales and is currently based in Brighton. Barrie has been a practicing artist for over fifteen years and has had up to eighteen solo exhibitions, as well as over hundred & fifty group exhibitions worldwide. His artwork is owned by well known comedian Noel Fielding and has also featured in the second series of Channel 4 Comedy "Raised by Wolves" written by Caitlin Moran. In paint he uses a provocative, colourful psychedelic and humourous approach to expose the human condition: notions of success, money, glamour, love, death, sex, gender & religion are picked at with dry comedic use of tragedy meshed with absurdity.
by oobleyboo22 November 19, 2018
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