A game played by a couple where the chick doesn't shave downstairs, and the object of the game is to tackle her, restrain her, and forcefully shave her nether regions with an electric razor. Both parties are naked while playing this game, and the chick runs around the room trying to avoid the "shepherd."
Mindy is mad at her boyfriend because he played "shear the sheep" with her last night and she lost. Now she's part of the metoo movement.
by crudmonkey June 15, 2018
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Da-Sheep meaning fat ginormous monkey it’s called sheep to distract you.
yooooo look it’s da sheep you was on about
by jebasauras February 10, 2021
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the best girl out there, she’s obviously bi and loves sheeps and ducks. She’s also the best member of Shawnicki Nation.
Have you ever heard of vicky the sheep, I saw her the other day and I almost died OMG I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
by bici November 5, 2020
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"Hey have you watched "BEEP BEEP I'M A SHEEP"?'
" nah"
"Listen to it! "
"I want you"

".... "
by SuperManAss27 September 29, 2023
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People on Facebook who are clueless about how everything they have typed into a search engine, retail online, twitter, Facebook, email, and anything connected to a desktop computer, or a smartphone has been collected and used to cause to them to follow or send them ads or request donations.
Wow, Facebook sheep, do they believe every meme, story, or celebrity they see or read about on Facebook? They follow like sheep to slaughter!
by leftturn April 3, 2023
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a state in which you are not quite mentally present and your subconscious takes over your keyboard, often making remarks regarding eugenics or asexuality
i didn’t really mean what i said last night, the sheep paralysis took over my body
by iwannaiguana April 10, 2021
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