The rpk librarian's style!!!!! (my favorite is the ice cream cone one!!!)
Gangsta vest and tie there, MC!!!!!
by i<3NYsweatshirt December 10, 2007
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Nick why are you wearing the life vest omega
by Shnutty Guy August 29, 2021
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A requirement of all Cross Country teams, Sweater Vest Friday is when all the male members of a Cross Country (abbreviated XC) team must dress in their most hideous sweater vests (normally with argile and/or plaid patterns, with un-matching shorts) and subsequently take a group photo after school before practice which will then be placed
on Facebook with the entire team tagged with their vests on. The female members of the team ARE permitted to be in the photo, but are denied the right to wear a sweater vest, and must instead wear their nicest dress/skirt.

Sweater Vest Friday normally occurs on the Friday before the first invitational (XC Meet) of the season. If someone forgets their sweater vest or chooses not to wear it, they will be considered outcasts and will be made fun of, or called the name Noodle/Fisty or N*****.
Daniel: "I can't wait to dress up in my sweater vest and take a picture with all the hot XC girls/guys so people can know how cool our team is!!!"

Chris: "Fuck yea, I love sweater vest friday. Let's all twenty of us guys get in my car and rock out to some music even though there are only five seats!"

Dylan: "Noodle, N*****, Where the fuck are your sweater vests!?!"

Noodle: "I forgot"

N*****:"Sweater vests are for queers!"

Jason: "Go get the water you freshman!!!"

by AnnoyedXbox360Guy September 5, 2011
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After two men have unprotected anal sex, they wipe the frothy mixture of semen and fecal matter on a third man's chest hair.
Rick volunteered to wear the Santorum Sweater Vest after the night's rigorous gay orgy.
by SpoogeyMcSpoogerton January 11, 2012
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When a guy or group of guys cum on a girl's chest in a criss cross fashion and then shave their pubic hair on her.
I can't believe that that girl let us give her a norwegian sweater-vest.
by ksmith4 April 25, 2011
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Personal and/or monetary connection/involvement regarding an upper-torso-warmth/protection garment-manufacturing establishment.
If I worked in a job dat required Kevlar body-armor, I would sure-as-shootin' (pun not intended, but it is indeed 100% appropriate!) have a "vested interest" in da garments' manufacturer!
by QuacksO March 28, 2020
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When one person plucks out and eats the chest hair of a second person, the first person then releases their bowels onto the chest of person number two creating a homemade sweater vest with the hair filled fecal matter.
Man, you should see the homemade sweater vest my wife gave me last night.
by Lizflint January 3, 2016
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