A guy with a dick the size of a tic tac. Never more than an inch.
Person 1: You have to see that
Person 2: See what?
Person 1: That guys dick
Person 2: Is it big?
Person 1: Fuck no. It's less than an inch
Person 2: Why would I want to see a tic tac dick?
Person 1: To make fun of it
Person 2: He's probably gonna stay a virgin for life
by trevvvvvv May 19, 2010
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Someone who is addicted to orange tic tacs
That girl Sarah is a tic tac addict, she always asks jacob to buy them for her.
by Fart and dart 02 February 26, 2017
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When someone has a seemingly normal set of teeth, except for one that is shaped like a Tic Tac.
Drama had to get fake teeth because of his tic tac tooth.
by CreeperStash May 9, 2011
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when you fill your hand with tic tacs and slap someone with bad breath
Dude Zachs breath really stank so i gave him a Tic Tac Smack, I think he got the point
by Cman88 February 11, 2011
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When a female gives a male oral sex and the females mouth is filled with Mint Tic tacs, once the male ejaculates the female must eat the Mint Tic tacs with the males cum.
Last night my girlfriend gave me a california tic tac.
by kjoek April 8, 2016
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Having tiny little rounded teeth that are disproportionately small for the owners mouth.
"He would be a hottie if it weren't for those TIC TAC TEETH".
by Barbiegirl007 June 13, 2006
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