1. An action where a person involuntarily throws up in their hair

2. Mixture of vomit and hairballs
Nancy was so fucked up, she didn't even realize her head glistened with throw up dreads.
by wreckconcile August 10, 2019
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Throwing up fours usually means you get insanely large amounts of bitches.
He’s throwing up fours, that must mean he gets a lot of bitches.
by Jax2tuff April 16, 2022
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This sign means that your ovaries are exploding.
Wow, they're throwing up 4s? Wow, they must have exploding ovaries!
by jojojonah June 9, 2022
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Throwing up 4s means you have a crazy pull game, and means you have hella hoes
Look omg! Lucas is throwing up 4s, I wish I could be like him 😭
by Heheyougotme May 9, 2022
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