4 girls who fuck and put gushers up their pussy’s every night of the year
Hey look at those gusher sluts putting gushers in their pussy’s
by Squitch69 July 20, 2022
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Someone who bleeds really heavy on their period.
My girlfriend is a period gusher when she starts her cycle
by Cabletech February 9, 2018
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The act of blue balling a guy and then making him cum immediately after. Which can either be a massive release or a painful endeavor.
“Ya Tiffany sucks worse than a 2 dollar whore so she ended up blue gushering me last night. It hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.”
by SSn182 July 19, 2021
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A sexual act in which a man ejaculates into a condom and ties it of at the end. The man then puts the condom in the woman's mouth for her to chew on.
Person one: Did you use a condom?
Person two: Yea bro, I gave her an Alaskan gusher
by Word man420 May 11, 2021
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When a guy offers to take his lady friend to restaurant and feeds his lady lots of food,morphine and a shit tone of laxatives with out her knowledge and offers her to come sleep over his ,waits until she falls fast asleep and rams his cock into her vagina,wiggles his thumb into her ass hole and covers her mouth and as he's about to cum, pisses inside her until his thumb gets forced out her A hole by all the runny shit streaming out of her.
Yo Floyd I just flush gusher'd yo bitch and holy shit it was messy!
by kittycatmomo November 2, 2016
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When two men connect their erections with a fruit rollup, when they are finished they twist the ends to make a Fruit Rollup Gusher.
After they came, Billy ate the Fruit Rollup Gusher.
by Billy Slanger September 7, 2023
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