The Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization (M.E.V.O.) was founded in the summer of 2008 by Eric J. Fuchs-Stengel and Samuel A. Berman. After going on numerous hiking expeditions during the summer, the two friends became motivated to preserve the natural beauty of our environment. And so, M.E.V.O. was born. M.E.V.O. is a volunteer organization; its primary goals being to clean up, preserve, and protect the environment. Of course, we understand that we can't do this alone, so it is also our mission to raise awareness about pollution, and to motivate other groups and individuals to help us in this cause. These goals will be accomplished by organizing a variety of activities for our volunteers, from hike-a-thons and bike-a-thons to clean-ups and recycling drives. M.E.V.O. is also a "friendship" organization which volunteers its time to help out other friend and partner organizations that work to protect and enjoy the environment as much as M.E.V.O.. Because ultimately, saving the environment and planet is going to be a team effort. And it won't be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.
Guy #1: Man i wanna help save the world, but i don't know how (sad)
Guy #2: Dude we should join, M.E.V.O. (Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization), they have several chapters all over New Jersey
Guy #1: Yeah!!! thats a GREAT idea (happy)
by Gorillafaceoff April 3, 2011
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This version of yert represents the concern for sustainable living, and for people becoming more aware of being environmentally conscious.
Yert or Yurt ⛺️ can also describe the tent-like or circular dwellings that modern-day hippies may favor!
Are you sick and tired of materialistic living and the battle to keep up with the Joneses? Then sell your stuff, hop in the van, and go on YERT: your environmental road trip.
by Old School Rock and Rap April 16, 2018
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A high school located in Baltimore County. A magnet schook, it has various focus programs based on the individual student's preference. But a magnet must be chosen before the student enrolls. You must also apply.

A side note: Basically run by its non-existent princpial Richard Jester, seeing as how I've only seen the man 7 times since 2006 (My freshman year). Ran by the Class of 2010. All other graduating classes bow to us. As simple as that.

"Yo, where you go to school at?"

"Western Tech a.k.a 2010's chill spot."

"O yea, I heard that yall run dat school."

"Damn straight nigga...Western Tech (Western School of Technology and Environmental Science)"
by How I rock August 4, 2008
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A virtualized computing environment that lies within an organization's security perimeter, which takes advantage of virtualization technologies to maximize an organization's hardware utilization.

Sometimes referred to as a private cloud.
Internal Private Virtualized Environment (IPVE) -

Sometimes referred to as a private cloud.
by Jon-R GCS January 4, 2011
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When a girl has been flooded with cum in all her holes during group sex.
Myself and two other guys did "the environment agency" on that girl last night.
by WidsomWizard December 7, 2022
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Improving the environment in ways that are readily apparent to the average person.
"I'm stuck in traffic burning gasoline going nowhere because you are concerned about the rainforest? Why don't you pick up that trash you're stepping over and do some TANGIBLE environmentalism ASSHOLE!!"
by war-n April 20, 2020
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The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
by Engelsk oppgave November 5, 2019
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