person 1: “you went to Scotland? How was it? person 2: it’s a fucking shit hole
by toe cheese December 8, 2021
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A country which all the people living there are over proud, when really there is nothing to be proud of.
oo im from scotland an i hate the english and we are the best country in the world.
by fesfe February 25, 2007
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The homeland of the junkies, neds and pedos of the world. It was once voted the most beautiful country in the world (for some reason?). The capital of scotland is Edinburgh.
"Where are you from"
"Im from Scotland"
by Happnin555 October 4, 2018
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Small grey country, full of greasy, bitter, uncultured scum. Construct an identity for themselves as 'tough', despite being a nation of wife beaters, and talk about little else but their perceived superiority to the English. Small penis, much?
"I love my country, and I love my buck-toothed, car-thieving, Buckfast-drinking thick-as-pig-shit countrymen. Go Scotland!"
by Dennis Hopper January 1, 2007
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Ranked worst small country in western europe.

The study by ‘The Scottish Federation of Small Businesses‘ (FSB) measured wealth, employment rates, health and education.

Also has won of the worst national football teams in the world.
Scotland laugh when England do not qualify for international football tournaments or don't get through to the final round but conveniently forget their own international football history
by simond10 December 28, 2007
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Shithole country to the north of England full of haggis-eating, caber-tossing alcoholics.
by PancakeFeatures July 29, 2006
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The best thing to come out of Scotland?
The train to London.
Scotland is a tiny place where no man wantsa to go and most do whats right and leave. :D

by Claire Galvin May 5, 2007
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