Saad is known as a Kylie Jenner look alike.
by Meliiiiiii<3 November 22, 2021
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Saad is known as a Kylie Jenner look alike
by Meliiiiiii<3 November 22, 2021
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Saad a name originated in Arabia given to the most genuine and gorgeous human. Is very caring and loving when around their closest friends. Is a charmer and can make anyone laugh and feel comfortable they have been through a lot in life and has come so far from where they were before. Definitely someone to be proud of.

Definitely passes the vibes check. If you come across a Saad in your life keep them close.
Have you met Saad?

Yea, he's so adorable
by 21canYouDoSumForMe January 25, 2023
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Saad is the most coolest epicest person ever he has literally so fire and cool and like amazing.
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Black juicy sand nigga with big lats and wide shoulders. 3'8 tall and strong. 😍
Definitely not blessed by the cause he actually fat and retarded his momma so bath she dont even take no baths ay ay. Shotout to my son lil loaded. DIS NIGGA 🤣🤓
Nigga: yo whatup my nigga nigga!?
Saad: shut up nigga.
Nigga: ayo!
by Sddam du 93 November 21, 2021
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The best guy you will ever meet. Saad will never fail to disappoint you and he will always be there for you no matter what. Will restore your hope in men he’s so sweet, has amazing hair, and has a great personality.

Saad is kind, funny, and the best kind of person even if he’s a lil short <3
Girl person: who’s that guy

Asher: that’s Saad

Girl person: he’s cool!
by Giyasseddin Kilic January 25, 2023
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Mehdi is a man who is funny & can be very charming when he wants to. The best guys called Saad are from temara and he will succeed in life if he start studying and if he says that meknes is a cool city. He is dark & handsome and is intelligent in many ways & a genius with computers, great at giving heads (kay yakol danone bla m3l0a) but kinda sucks at spanish. He He can be very philosophical. He has curly hair & warm honey golden brown eyes. Saad is very family oriented; he cares about his family and takes care of his sibling. Also he has a motorbike which is super attarctive.
Oh this guy is so call ! He must be a Saad.
Wassup Saad how you doing ?
Don't touch me otherwise i call Saad.
by bntmeknasl3asima June 5, 2022
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