My Bestfriend. The best friendship you have ever had/ever will have. (thereโ€™s no denying it) ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž
You are my Lucy.
by StrewMaster123 March 6, 2019
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Lucy is an amazing person. She is very kind hearted and always puts others first. Although her attitude stinks people always see the best in Lucy and love having her around. She is very smart but can be very lazy at times. Lucy may be referred to as a wierd because of the way she acts but with her cute looks who cares! Lucy is the best and everyone deserves her in their lives
Ohhh boy! I wish I had Lucy as my best friend your so lucky to have her ๐Ÿฅ€
by People writer May 6, 2018
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Lucy is the sweetest, and the most real friend you will ever have. She is athletic and loves music. She has many friends and many best friends. Everybody wants to be Lucy's friend! Lucy is GORGEOUS (like beautiful). When Lucy gets home from school, (or work) she will automatically get whatever she needs done. Lucy never procrastinates. She is very hardworking, friendly, and again, the sweetest! She will shower you with kindness and loyalty. She has an amazing attitude. Lucy can be funny at some times, and serious at other times. Just being around a Lucy will brighten your day. NEVER EVER let a Lucy out of your site.
Person 1: "Oh did you see Lucy over there?" Person 2: "Yeah. She is SO sweet and I want to get to know her better!"
by Juliac205 March 25, 2019
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a small cute girl with a dazzling smile and beautiful eyes. often doesn't realise just how beautiful and charming she is. a lucy is intelligent, kind and the best sort of friend. she is there for you when you're sad and gives the most amazing hugs. she is funny without knowing it and has a head full of amazing stories. a lucy longs for fun and adventure and loves to dance. lucy can be shy and full of self doubt, but once she lets you in she will make you happier than you ever realised.
1. who's that girl? she must be a lucy, she's so awesome and doesn't even know it.
2. you have a lucy? lucky bastard, don't ever let her go.
3. damn i fucked up. don't worry man, lucy will forgive you, she's amazing.
by nye09 April 18, 2010
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Lucy is not normal. She will act to fit in with others , and she will say she is the ugliest person you'll ever see. Lucy might start talking about things like anime and k pop, but not many people understand her. Lucy is good at listening to others problems, but has a hard time dealing with her own.
Lucy likes to act when hanging out with people she doesn't know.
by Mei Suzuya September 4, 2018
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Another name for Acid, or LSD
Oi, let me get a few hits of Lucy.
by Korea February 20, 2005
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