the word given to someone with an abnormally large head.
"Omg Graham that man's got a real Louis"

"awwh man, he's a louis"
by Jerry Jacob July 7, 2009
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a guy who tries to get with every girl he can and has to kiss a girl all the time. he's tall and all the girls want him. he always goes for younger girls and can be awkward and weird and drive trucks. he can be hot when he can.
" Girl, Louis tried hitting me up last night lol" "omg he's such a louis"
by blondiiebabe August 7, 2017
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Usually a fatass, turd, pussy, or just an asshole.
by Bob29 November 20, 2015
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An extremely ugly and non-sexy guy who has absolutely no appeal at all.
by Ghost815 June 14, 2015
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An annoying little boy with a bowl cut straight out of the 80's, that says he is 14 but you believe he is 12 because has the squeakiest voice in the world, in fact his balls are so far from dropping that they are in his throat.He never stops talking smack and can be so annoying you wanna hit him in the head some times, but he is an okay little kid.
Will:That kid is so annoying
Ahmed:I know, he is such a louis.
by Soraya_is_sexy December 6, 2016
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dumb bitch who is a player, he will eat your heart and your firstborn child
hi mine name is Louis
by thicc chungus March 26, 2019
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