A more fun way of saying lol when you have already said lol too many times
A: *some joke*
B: lollipop
A: wtf does that mean
B: lol (duh)
by theshoster1 December 31, 2016
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to lick or suck a mans wang
Shawnna asked what is the normal size of a 17 yr old mans peniss, I told her and she said when she got home she died laughing. I asked her how do you know? did he whip it out and show you or did you lollipop it?
by Taylirr May 20, 2008
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{In frount of a large group of males aside to a friend}
Emo-weeker: Do you have errrm.....I could REALy use a lollipop right about now...
Friend:in the little pocket
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My gf and I were going at it last night when she suddenly decided to hop the lollipop. I ain't complaining.
by rolios4mybunghole October 4, 2018
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When you stick a lollipop in ones asshole and swirl it around than removing and sticking the lollipop in your mouth or your partners.
Damn that girl took that ass lollipop like a champ!
by Jessica Beotch February 12, 2015
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The act of forcefully injecting a lollipop into someone's rectum while simultaneously slurping it.
Dude my asshole is so sore, Trevin Arabian Lollipopped me for two and a half hours last night.
by Boyardeeboyz4lyfe March 24, 2017
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A poorly thrown basketball, the trajectory mimicking the shape of a lollipop. The pass takes the length of time similar to that of consuming an entire lollipop.
What a lollipop pass. What is this, the Oompa Loompa basketball team? No wonder they have so many turn overs.
by Pizzapockets March 27, 2015
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