Jacob is a very extroverted and loud person. he loves slasher movies and has a good sense of humor. he's probably the straightest person you'll ever meet btw. he's a player and claims he's talking to other girls when he's full-on dating them. he's overly confident and is not afraid of the consequences of his actions and words. he likes writing stories as well. he's very immature, but when he knows he can get in trouble he acts sophisticated ad intelligent, but behind closed doors, he can be weird and annoying. he's into classic rock and likes drawing in his free time. he tries to say he's got a large dick, but who knows. considering the number of girls he has, they sure like him for something other than his personality. he's fairly handsome and buff. he's always rocking jeans and Nike's with a crazy designed shirt. you surely won't get bored with him around, there's always something he has to say
girl: omg look it's my boyfriend, Jacob!

other girls: Uhm... that's my boyfriend actually...

other other girl: he took me to his room first!!
by Ron Swanson 69 June 8, 2020
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Jacob (a.k.a BIG DADDY) is a kind person who can be quite shy at first, he will act very mature and respectful and if you've known him for a while you won't even recognize him. After getting to know him he opens up and you see him as more of a goofball ( and quite the player). He enjoys scary things and powers through them as if they were a comedy routine. He loves reptiles and arachnids especially snakes. He will never go up to a girl and ask for them to call him big daddy because they're already thinking about it. He prefers women of other races due to those of his own being difficult. He is quite romantic and can bed a girl every day of the week. He always has more than one girlfriend usually more than 10 but he loves his alone time. If you haven't already slept with him you'll warm up to it in no time.

He has a massive Dick
Girl: Oh look it's Big Daddy you simpletons call him Jacob

Girl: God I've prayed every day this year that he'd bundle me up and throw me on his bed, I'm so glad you answered my prayers yesterday.
by Ron Swanson 69 June 8, 2020
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Being a Jacob is great. They are very strong. They are usually the smartest out of the whole city the live in. Jacobs are very skilled in multiple things. The are also caring, loving, helpful( I know thats a new concept to most of you) joyful, and handsome. It is over all a super cool. They are average height, they wish many, many things but never get them. Jacobs have a hard life. If you know a Jacob you will likely call him Jacoby. Most of them don't care and actually like it. They are very good at playing instruments but not nerds at that. Jacobs love math and can get bored easily. They are that shy kid who always helps and never asks for help even when in need of it. Jacobs are addicted to Video games especially Fortnite. They are the beast and if you know one, become friends with them. Trust me its worth it. They love Basketball and lots of other things. They are always honest and keep secrets. If you have a secret it is safe with a Jacob. But never underestimate a Jacob. They don't like to fight but will for themselves or a friend. They will do whatever it takes to make the world a better place.
Jacob is my best friend!
by Tu'ifua February 28, 2022
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Someone you will get lost with. In adventure, in romance, in love, in life. Someone you can't see yourself forgetting because they stole a part of you a long time ago, and never gave it back. Has the most deep brown eyes that see through to you to the part of you, you didn't even know existed. Someone who carries their fears/doubts under their laughter and jokes and never for a second wears their heart on their sleeve. Someone who loves runing, horses, and reading. drinks to much..and always claims their hair is brown when it's red. Someone who takes up every space in your mind and soul, leaving no room for anyone else because they're selfish They give your life so much meaning they become life itself. Someone you go to bed and dream of hoping when you wake, they were dreaming of you too. You constantly find yourself making excuses to why you don't need them but end up realizing you love them and you need them because you love them. You know there's no short cuts when it comes to Jacob and since Jacobs love running you find yourself chasing after them. They make you feel like every moment could be the last so you sneak out at night to see them one last time in case they're right. Jacobs are assholes too, they leave without saying goodbye. They will also tell you that they love you and then leave you guessing for the rest of your life. But it does not matter because when it comes to Jacobs, there's nothing in this world you wouldn't do.
There's that asshole Jacob again, can't help but love him.
by _134_ September 17, 2017
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Jacob is a guy that will brighten up your day instantly, he will tell you lots of jokes and make you giggle. For girls he is usually the cutest guy you'll ever meet in your whole intire life. He will literaly send you to cloud nine. If he likes you he will send clear signs like talking to you more or you catch him glancing at you. For guys jacob is a loyal and funny friend he likes to make inside jokes, likes playing video games, but is very active (unlike me)
Girl: hey insert boy name can you do me a favor
Girl:can you tell jacob i like him... More than a friend
Boy: okay,
5 minutes later
Jacob: of course i like her shes amazingly funny
Boy:is that a joke?
Jacob: maybe... Just kidding!!
by TheUnknownWoman November 10, 2019
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