Sticky, fowl smelling subtance that leaks from the cyst (see:Predator) located between a woman's legs when aroused.
GUY 1: Her goog got all over my crotch and I had to scrub that shit with a Brillo pad.
GUY 2: Mmmmm
GUY 1: O___o
by MAaaaaaaaaattt October 14, 2007
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"Don't let this goog bother you. Plenty of winners have had them."
-Phil Church, in Another Thin Man
by John Triton April 2, 2008
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He was so googed he didn't know what day it was.
by NW May 5, 2003
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Refers to gamers lingo meaning
"Get Out Of Game".

Is usually used when waiting for someone who is playing a game.
John - "were Dylan be at?"
PhiL - "iunno hes prob playing WoW,lol what a noob"
John - "GOOG!"
by FPS_PhiL February 16, 2007
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To search for something using the search engine Google.
Nick: "Hey man, what's a _____?"
Kyle: "IDK dude, just give it a Goog."
by Kÿ September 24, 2017
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