WELL HELLO THERE, Breanna is an kind, funny, caring and sweet girl. she loves to watch anime and, talk about her crush, she has 2 cats and a lovig family, she LOVES birbs, yes you heard that right, i said BIRBS not BIRDS. birbs are amzinge, she loves birbs, once up opon a time there was a birb called PRINCESS B. PRINCESS B WAS AN AMZING BIRB, SHE/HE DIED 3 WEEKS AGO, RIP PRINCESS B HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING LIFE. THANL YOU
i have a friend called Breanna
by THE PRINCESS B, FAMILY August 14, 2019
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National kick Breanna day
It’s December 19th! Happy national kick Breanna day. So if u see a girl named Breanna kick her!
by Sksknobodycaresboutmelol October 27, 2019
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1. one to usually expose herself on social media and use the 'N word' on multiple occasions.

(2. Breanna-Blake)- The ugliest beast that has ever walked the earth. Has the appearance of Honey Boo-Boo's mother (June) and Shrek having secs during a lightning storm.
"yo dude, you hear what breanna said?

"nah mane what it say this time?"

"THIS BITCH SAID, "Ni**ers these days, at least I know im ugly"

by Masta Fappa February 23, 2017
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An amazingly beautiful girl and is most likely a Virgo and loves to play sports. Most likely a tomboy but loves her mom but she is a daddy's girl and is a fighter if needed to be not only for what she believes but to protect not only her but her family.
Man, that breanna is a fighter
by breanna.wymer0902@clips. Colu. December 4, 2016
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a very pretty girl who is popular and all the boys love her and all the girls hate her she a great person but never test her since of humor
breanna you are a very popular girl
by keke breales March 23, 2017
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