Someone who is sill, fun, clever, sweet, and the life of the party. He is a sexy, hot, ladies man that can always make you smile. Extremely athletic. Can be easily hurt but can take a lot of pain. Most likely to fall in love with someone whose sign is Scorpio but he will fall in love too late when feelings have changed
by Olivase smouter October 10, 2013
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Urel is a fantastic Girl. She's so kind, funny and beautiful. She's a perfect girlfriend.
She's so hot and funny! She must be an Urel
by AlexandriaHunter June 7, 2020
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Urel is a fantastic Girl. She's so kind, funny and beautiful. She's a perfect girlfriend.
She's so hot and funny! She must be an Urel
by AlexandriaHunter June 7, 2020
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An old person who thinks a internet search bar is where you put URLs.
Google search isn't or URLS you UReLic!
by Slicky Tricky Damon July 4, 2011
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To continually tie current events to unrelated past events
Tom: Yeah that like the time that I blah blah blah........
Max: Dude dont urelate like that its annoying as hell
by Maxkolpingtulu March 28, 2007
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