I had the house to myself so I decided to do some serious casturbating and cast porn from my phone to my living room TV.
by RX0 August 2, 2013
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When you break your arm/wrist/or hand that you normally use to masturbate with, and have to use the opposite hand to masturbate, because the cast you have to wear, hurts your dick.
Mike: Dude last night really sucked!!

Joe: How come?

Mike: Ever since I broke my wrist, I've been Casturbating, and it gave me a cramp!!!

Joe: Dayyyummmm
by gbainlaxman January 31, 2010
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Casturbation relates to the art of masturbating whilst wearing a cast (caused from broken bones somewhere between the individuals wrists and shoulders).
It can often require a lot of patience and training depending on the size and location of the cast.
Dan: Must be hard for you, being single for the last 7 months and not even able to choke the chicken with that broken wrist?
Jeff: It was rough for the first month, but casturbation is really my only option
by neilsonz January 27, 2009
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the act of lotioning ones own cast (most often ones forearm cast) on the inside then inserting ones penis into the cast in a humping motion until climax is achived
the doctor will sure be upset when he finds out i'm a habital casturbater
by b-f@ January 16, 2010
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Casting porn from your tiny phone/tablet to your giant TV screen via a streaming device (Chromecast, AppleTV, Roku, Fire Stick, etc.)
Babe, I can't see that on your tiny iPhone5 screen, casturbate it!
by NotFunny_JustWrong May 1, 2016
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verb. the act of pleasuring oneself with a broken arm.
I had to casturbate today,I couldn't take it anylonger.
by Jdisco October 10, 2012
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masturbating with a cast on, or using your hand with out the cast on to masturbate
by room440 December 12, 2010
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