When one's intention by telling a joke or doing something funny, is to make oneself laugh instead of others.
Bob: Hey didn't I go to highschool with you?

Steve: Hell, yea. I used to let you touch my penis in gym.

Bob: Wait, what?

Melany: That isn't the same Steve, and that isn't funny

Steve: It was to me. I have Andy Kaufman Syndrome
by Hellste Stern Von Allen June 5, 2010
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The belief perpetuated by fans of a public figure (often a musician or actor) that it's impossible to not be sexually attracted to said public figure. Denial will almost always incite fierce vitriol (or at least firm stubbornness) from the fandom for dare disrespecting their object or worship.
She blocked me because I wouldn't kiss Tom Holland. She has that Andy Biersack Syndrome.
by sweatnut September 12, 2021
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Andy Syndrome is when you personify or give feelings to inanimate objects so that you feel bad about it if you ever got rid of them. andy biersack
He has such bad Andy Syndrome that his house is turning into an episode of Hoarders.
by FluffyBlueHeart November 19, 2018
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When one is the son of a notorious Pedo and grew up in denial even with overwhelming evidence that proves the opposite
‘’Hey did you hear finn has a case of Andy syndrome?’’
‘’I know such a shame’’
by I am mr shiny forehead October 28, 2023
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