Unfavorable label given to someone belonging to the millennial genre who regularly acts like an idiot; is unmotivated, oblivious to reality, has feelings as fragile as a soap bubble, and has a very weak inclination to listen, learn, and evolve their life.
At 26, never had a job, and still living at home, Maverick thinks he should be able to score a six figure video game designing job...just because he has “mastered” Fortnite and every other video game. Keep thinking like a millidiot, kid. You’ll go far in life.

Fashion Designer:
I asked our new hire Tiffany to come down to my office today so we could discuss her performance over the last couple of months. I told her she wasn’t meeting performance expectations and needed to step up her work. She started crying. When I asked if she was okay, she said “I have never been told I was failing at anything before.” Then she asked me for a raise. Can you say MILLIDIOT!

Crew Boss:
I called Corden and told him he got the job, and that he starts with his new crew next Monday at 8 am. He didn’t sound too excited, so I asked if he had any questions?

What’d he say?
Crew Boss:
He said 8 am was really early, he’s never had to get up that early before, and wanted to know if he could come in at noon. When I told him no, he needed to be there at 8 to start work with his crew, he said he wasn’t sure if the job was the right fit for him.
You’ve got to be shitting me! What a millidiot!

Just out of college and the smartest kid in her class; Jordan is acting exactly polar opposite of a genius...she’s such a millidiot!
by GR8Scot November 18, 2018
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A rather unbelievable generation sandwiched between Generation X and the Space Generation. Their lack of base level knowledge is cringeworthy and their ignorance is vast and thundering.
Socialism is cool! Russia is our friend! Saudi Arabia is our ally!

Only a Millidiot would say such things
by CryHavoc December 9, 2019
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