3 definitions by zzchamp

The person who will drink way too much and be wasted all night long. This person usually needs to be watched through the night so they do not do anything stupid.
who is driving the lushable back home? I bet she is lushable..

i had to watch the lushable all night long. the lushable fell 3 times in the bar.
by zzchamp March 30, 2011
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When you are constipated or you have stomach issues

for instance diarreah or vomit. Things associated with a belly ache. indigestion
Ive been up all night with a nasty drain clog.
ive eaten white castle burgers not i have a drainclog.
by zzchamp March 30, 2011
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When you just cant remember something that you know you knew hours or days ago.
what the hell was i supposed to remember to do today? what was his/her name , i spent all night that that person too.. damn brain lock
by zzchamp March 30, 2011
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