12 definitions by zman4593

Someone who hates their own country. Anti-nationalism - Hating your own country
by zman4593 July 2, 2016
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"He's a memeophile."
by zman4593 May 26, 2016
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Someone who uses to much emojis. emojioholism - the excessive use of emojis.
Person 1 - *A bunch of emojis*
Person 2 - You're becoming a emojioholic
by zman4593 May 11, 2016
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Someone who likes to be the opposite of the majority or have the opposite opinion of the majority. Someone can be a contrarian because they don't like people, like to be different, thinks that the minority is better or just like getting on people nerves.
Person 1 - GO AWAY TEAM
Person 2 - Why is she cheering for the away team? She doesn't even like the team.
Person 3 - She is a contrarian
by zman4593 July 22, 2016
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