3 definitions by ymshdn32

:A not for profit organization that helps helpless children who are exposed to harmful and toxic environments by their parents.
ie-Gas Explosion Fire Grounds
Hey we need to help Kenny's kids from dying in the Expedition.
by ymshdn32 December 6, 2004
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To start a building on fire; to commit arson; usually done as "business negotiations" but can be enjoyed for pleasure as well
Dude, did you see that guy Russell that Ford dealership?
by ymshdn32 December 5, 2004
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To physically assault and abuse your wife on a regular basis as a result of your addiction to steriods that causes you to have small nuts; It is preferred if you break other things in the process
He Latshawed his wife right through the front door and then beat her more for breaking the door on her way out.
by ymshdn32 December 5, 2004
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