3 definitions by yayeeeet-51

That time when you realize it's time to get off 4chan and go outside.
Jeff: I believe in Anarcho-Fascism.
Joe: Get the fuck outside, no computer for you.
by yayeeeet-51 November 19, 2020
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A molly is a name for a homosexual male, who disguises himself as a woman so he can have sex with other gay males, without anyone knowing, these were very prevalent in 18th-century England, where "Molly Houses" were established, some of them were even in America, which inclined everyone's favorite founding father, Alexander Hamilton, a place to go when he was bored*.

*Many historians perceive Alexander Hamilton to be bisexual, through his relationship and letters with Lt. Col. John Laurens, and some speculate he visited said Molly Houses.
Jeff: I just went to a Molly House yesterday.
Kayla: Isn't that a place where a gay man dresses up as a woman so they can sleep with other men without anyone knowing except them?
Jeff: oh fuck
by yayeeeet-51 October 20, 2020
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A dictionary that doesn't work, and is filled with the most disgusting, racist, and offensive audience.
Urban Dictionary: Lol, I fucking suck
by yayeeeet-51 November 19, 2020
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