4 definitions by yashhoffcoarse

A basic Geeteshwa is a guy/bisexual who has an vision defect and prolly is not very long (height of the body and penis).Prolly likes bowl cuts too.
damn Yashwanth is sooo Geeteshwa.
Hol'up your'e so nerd you must be a geeteshwa
by yashhoffcoarse July 12, 2022
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it is a noun used to describe the most beautiful and cutest girl in the room.

Sowmya's are generally very smart at everything. They handle the situations like a queen
She's so smart she is prolly a sowmya
by yashhoffcoarse December 22, 2022
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(rights owned by sowmya)

It is the word to describe a perfect meal

the word has a long enduring history of being mispronounced and misunderstood by chefs
sowmya: Oh mah gawwd its so goood!!

yahsss|: ofc it pukka
by yashhoffcoarse January 14, 2023
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