3 definitions by xoxsophxox

should be sang along to the tune of lord of the rings (preferably while pointing 2 a picture of sum sheep dung!) lol michaela luv ya xoxoxox
dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung dung DUNG DUNG
by xoxsophxox December 24, 2004
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a friendly snowman known for his great personality and love of cheese. good friends with nuib faguib.
likes: cheese (as i mentioned), linking with his snowy crew, kylie minogue.
dislikes: warm weather (4 obvious reasons), trees (unsure why) jeregessel moongtil (his arch enemy)
"who's your favourite snowbloke of all time?"
"Nooy Fagooy OF COURSE!!"
"of course, he rocks my world. cold though it is."
by xoxsophxox October 13, 2004
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