2 definitions by wildcatavm

To go MIA, hibernate or go into hiding, sometimes with a loved one. The person often doesn't respond to texts or calls during this time. They might be depressed, need a break from the world, or are just busy having tons of sex with thier significant other.
Suz: What are you doing this weekend?
RC: My boyfriend and I are going to hole up and shut out the world until Monday.
by wildcatavm March 31, 2008
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An action meaning to go MIA, hibernate or go into hiding, often with a loved one. The person often doesn't respond to texts or calls during this time.
Sarah: Where hell have you been? I've been texting you for days!!

Lynn: The boyfriend and I have been holed up since Friday, and I'm finally coming up for air. Good times.

by wildcatavm March 31, 2008
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