5 definitions by whitey McRosenski

When a chick motorboats your nuts.
I hope she doesnt sneeze when she's motorscroting me.
by whitey McRosenski May 8, 2010
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This can only occur during/after coitus on a top bunk, or a place which is elevated. After cumming on the recipient, rip a feathered pillow so the feathers stick so they look like a condor, then make them fly by kicking (or shoving, depending on the girth of the party) them out of bed. They will fly for a second or two before crashing into the ground as a heaping pile of feathers.
Flying Condor: Shamed by feathers.
by whitey McRosenski July 30, 2009
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Taken from the hit sitcom "Family Guy," this phrase can be said to anybody who either kills a joke, makes an uncalled for comment, or otherwise just needs to be ridiculed spontaneously.
Steve: "I think that octoberfest might be the best beer ever."

Bobby: "I agree"

Jeff: "I think beer is disgusting no matter what it is."

Steve to Jeff: "Shut up, Meg."
by whitey McRosenski September 18, 2010
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After a long night of drinking, the act of praying to God that you would never drink again while puking into the toilet while also tebowing.
John: Dude, you think we should hold her hair so she doesnt drown in the toilet?

Chris: Nah...while tebowling, she is protected because she is praying to her Lord and Savior while propping her own head. She's good.
by whitey McRosenski December 20, 2011
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More frustrating than blueballs; When someone is denied intercourse due to a woman's menstrual cycle.
Dave: How'd it go with that chick?

Jason: Not so good

Dave: She a tease?

Jason: Not exactly..I got redballed...
by whitey McRosenski March 16, 2011
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