3 definitions by whipped girl from uottawa in<3

A girl from the GTA region who gives out shitty bjs and catches feelings real quick. if you have a pen15 and you meet blowy, she will probably fall in love with you right away!
bao bao liu: Yo archie baby, i think i just fell in love with this next mandem that i just met
archie baby: hoooooyaaaaa, say worddd shordieee. why you moving like a blowy?
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A girl who is in love, but won't admit her true feelings because she is too caught up in her emotions and anger.
Ruan: yo, i hate this next mandem who i've been talking to for time. i will never love again, i hate

Queefie: yooooooooo shordieeee, you're acting up. I go to ryeu and there are biddies like you and we call them Vicky, so stop acting like a fucking Vicky and accept your fucking feelings bitch
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A female from Uottawa who is in love with a boy, but won't care to admit it. She hides her feelings behind her stuffed orca so that she can pretend like her feelings do not exist when they are all over the place. She is madly in love, but she does not consciously know it yet, even though her subconscious is giving her hints. A deluded lover is a retarded girl who won't admit to being whippedazz and in love because she thinks that she was hurt, but she is stoopid.
Sophie: Hey vick, what happened that boy you were in love with?
Vick: omgggggg shut up you stupid jew, i'm not in love with him
Sophie: You're a deluded lover, so SHUT DI FACK UP and accept your fucking feelings bitch
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