1 definition by wazbang

The creator of animated television shows "Family Guy," "American Dad," and "The Cleveland Show" on the Fox network. While wildly popular among a certain demographic of pothead twentysomethings and slacker teens, Seth MacFarlane relies on sight gags and endless pop culture references from the seventies and eighties to add humor to his programs. He also employs arguable racist jokes to round out his brand of comedy. Young people with not enough good sense and taste, because they were raised by racist parents in boring whitebread suburbs, enjoy MacFarlane's work. People with brains and even a minimum of sophistication easily see through the empty shtick of MacFarlane's stolen jokes, ethnic puns, and retro pop culture obsession.
Who makes those vapid, unfunny shows on Sunday night? The answer: Seth MacFarlane.
by wazbang August 21, 2009
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