1 definition by waterbottle5000

An amazing friend, always there for you. Usually with blonde or brown hair and brown eyes. Gabbi's are great at befriending people and will be there for you all your life. They often love the performing arts and excel in music and dance. Gabbi' are smart and witty, and are always up for a great laugh! If you have a Gabbi as a friend, consider yourself lucky.

Usually stems from Gabriella. Other spellings: Gabby, Gabi. Alternatives: Ella, Bella, Bree, Brie, Briella, Gab.
Gabbi: Are you alright?
Person x: Yeah I'm great. Hey, are you a Gabbi ?
Gabbi: Yeah! How did you know?
Person x: You're just so beautiful and friendly!
by waterbottle5000 July 24, 2017
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