10 definitions by voiceinsideyou

Similar to a wordmeth fiend/word - although more angry, violent and dangerous.

Twacked on meth.
"Arghh, meth monster!"
"Fuck, I only gave her a coupla points and she went all meth monster on me"
by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003
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Someone who always assumes that something they have done is the cause of any technical problem that arises.

Never assumes that a bug, crash, communications outage or any other external issue could cause a problem and instead always blames ones self.

Often n00bs are technocondriacs until they gain a certain level of confidence.
n00b: Omg, I broke all of MSN!
g44k: No, the system is down again, you technocondriac.
by voiceinsideyou February 21, 2005
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Slang for "sorry".
"Soz dude, I fucked up"
"OMG, soz, I 0wned your box."
"Soz for teh mess I made making dinner..."
by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003
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