2 definitions by utser

Synonymous with ROFL (similar pronounciations). However, it is more commonly used in the ayng dialect. can be combined with suffixes of the ayng or n00b dialects as well.

origin: TNS
(normal) "What's that n00b, I like totally owned you? haha raffle!"

(ayng) "you see that noob over there? i just raffl't him, that's why he's crying like a noob. rafflayng"

(n00b) "lolollolool!11!1rofl rofl rafflecopterzz zomgzomg!!!1!2"
by utser April 19, 2005
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an expression of excitement, satisfaction, or greeting; a verb meaning pwn; a noun meaning a 1337 person, or a profficient gamer/owner

can also be used as a suffix to other words: n00b + ayng = nbayng, fucking ayng = fkayng
"yo, check this out, i got these new shoes AYNG!!!!"

-"dude, that guy is such an ayng"

-"last night i was playing some soldat and i totally nbaynged up these noobs, you know?"
by utser February 8, 2005
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