2 definitions by user420vapenationred

If chaos was a person. Who's blood nicotine levels arise above the 99th percentile for the nation. He is a dog boy. You will never run out of things to talk about when talking to him. But nobody can ever be his best friend because his best friend is weed. Get you a moeez in your life.
"You're acting like a real 'moeez' today"
by user420vapenationred March 18, 2022
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The only way to describe such a person is with one very distinctive attribute; IRISH. She is the head of the world renowned terrorist organisation known as the IRA (Irish Republican Army). Her main power is her ability to craft an IED (improvised explosive device). Her preferred choice of explosive includes a selection of either a C4 charge, a fragmentation grenade or an M18 Claymore. As this will most certainly be flagged by many intelligence agencies, I am writing this as a cry for help as she currently has me captive in her basement along with her Mongolian sex slaves. Please, I beg thee to send the full brunt of the United States Military as well as the most powerful allies including the United Kingdom.
Thanks for your time,
by user420vapenationred May 31, 2022
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