2 definitions by urdailydoseofeditingdrama

if u describe someone as wap, this means u respect them greatly, and believe them to be very religious/faithful/holy.
wap can also be directly translated to "Worship And Prayer"
PERSON A "hi there karen, im off to church see you later!"
PERSON B "oh jenny youre such a WAP !"
by urdailydoseofeditingdrama January 27, 2022
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people described as willvoids/toxicwvstan are a really f***ing funny person. theyre straight up but lowkey laidback, when it comes to scandals/drama they know exactly how to retaliate. if ur a willvoids/toxicwvstan i love u.
"omg have u heard of willvoids/toxicwvstan" "omg ya theyre hilarious"
by urdailydoseofeditingdrama January 27, 2022
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