44 definitions by unusu-al

an epic poem about beowulf, the great hero guy who came with a bunch of geats to dane-land and saved hrothgar from grendel by ripping out grendel's arm and thus killing him

beowulf then proceeds 2 kill grendel's mum (who isnt much better) and eventually kills a dragon but this costs him his life b/c he gets slashed in like the jugular
im'a read beowulf cos he ripped a guys arm off
by unusu-al November 8, 2003
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very very popular os made by microsoft. i'm giving up on it the minute someone comes up with a fully functional windows emulator for linux that runs all my games and other fun windows stuff. damn thing crashes 2 much.
bill: dude is a hybrid version of wine coming out
pill: idk check the website
bill: dammit i wanna kno. if there is a hybrid wine im ditching windows cos the damn thing crashes 2 much
by unusu-al September 13, 2003
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