2 definitions by uhsoka

Westminster School is a private London day school (with the option to board) founded in 1560. People who go there are referred to colloquially as ‘wessies’. Key features include Saturday school, Abbey multiple times a week, a place at Oxbridge, straight 9s at GCSE (except 3s in English Lit & Lang), burnout, and no social skills whatsoever. Occasionally, some come with a built-in superiority complex when they achieve extroversion. Ultimately, it’s a cult with some of the weirdest traditions and archaic, gothic-style buildings that look like they could give you the bubonic plague if you stand there too long.
Instagram account is @dat_deus_head.
‘I go to Westminster School!’
‘That’s not the flex you think it is.’
I love you wessies I really do but you guys need therapy or some sort of female interaction desperately.
by uhsoka February 1, 2023
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Westminster School is a private London day school (with the option to board) founded in 1560. People who go there are referred to colloquially as ‘wessies’. Key features include Saturday school, Abbey multiple times a week, a place at Oxbridge, straight 9s at GCSE (except 3s in English Lit & Lang), burnout, and no social skills whatsoever. Occasionally, some come with a built-in superiority complex when they achieve extroversion. Ultimately, it’s a cult with some of the weirdest traditions and archaic, gothic-style buildings that look like they could give you the bubonic plague if you stand there too long.
Instagram account is @dat_deus_head.
‘I go to Westminster School!’
‘That’s not the flex you think it is.’
I love you wessies I really do but you guys need therapy or some sort of female interaction desperately.
by uhsoka February 1, 2023
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