11 definitions by uGlY


Bad bitch who could take yo nigga without using her nigga snatchers
Brad go in the house before Quiana comes over here and take u away from me like she did Jessica’s boyfriend the other day
by uGlY January 6, 2019
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Also known as a lozenge. The candy medicine one sucks on to alleviate a sore throat.
My mom gives me a throatie when I'm sick.
by uGlY March 7, 2005
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an expression also short for legend, used to describe a fantastic person.
by uGlY January 7, 2004
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I super ugly Alien who gets their boyfriends off craigslist
A devryn
by uGlY July 23, 2017
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where is your head at?

wheres you head at wher is your mind at? not thinking right
where your head at shorty
wheres your mind at
by uGlY March 25, 2005
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short for "straight up gangster" as defined by our very own Forefathers at Lowell HS c/o 07. an abbreviation often tagged on book covers and class notes and spoken only in your best napoleon dynamite voice. makes sure your nose is nice and scrunched up and your eyes remain fairly squinty.
o man! look at that guy with the gray and red ecko fit. its so hot today. what is he thinking? he's s.u.g. don't worry about it.
by uGlY November 24, 2004
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Hairy muff and huge ankles.
Derived from the meaning 'bush pig' - had to many beers and she will do.
Ohh not another muffandankle
by uGlY October 18, 2001
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