3 definitions by twamp

Really bad, pop-techno music you might hear on the radio (KDL-LA) or at a really really lame party or 14 and under rave. What hair bands are to rock and sisqo is to hip hop and blink-182 is to old school punk. see also buttronica
"Dude, what's with the buttronica on the radio?"

"my cd player doesn't work and I need some beats man. get off my fucking back."
by twamp November 14, 2003
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the 8+ hour long visage of transcendental amusement that accompanies psychedelic experiences, namely LSD and shroom trips.
"Dude, its kicking in. You've got the perma-grin!"
"You too man. Oh shit. Look at my hands...."
by twamp November 14, 2003
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To load a bowl. An adopted white person interpretation of the hawaiian word for marijuana
Hey man, wanna pacalolo?

by twamp February 27, 2005
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