42 definitions by trinkbar_trina

a fat posh lad, who eats too much and has eyes bigger than pies lmao! But fancies the really pretty girls!
Oh my GOd he like Pooh bear or somethink! hes always eating and talks in that really annoying voice *cringe* he really likes Becky yer know? lmao, she wants his head on a stick!
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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Unlimitedly, Really, Over, Ultimatley, Excessivley!
"Oh My God!!! Ian Watkins (Lost Prophets)is Uber Attractive!!! Ian *sigh* Oh I love you Ian, Marry Me!!!" BTW NOT Ian WatkinsH from Steps! eeeew!!!
by trinkbar_trina March 30, 2005
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a group of untalented people who have no style, no class and no hope!
look at them lot hanging round that phone box again, trying to smash the window, bet thats fun (YAWN!) who do they think they are the spice girls? and look wasnt they wearing thoseclothes the last time we saw them breaking that window, and the time before, and the time before, oh and the time before that!?!
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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lad 1: "whasup dude?"
lad 2: "noute why?"
lad 1: "alrite, nah nufin, jus thought ya seemed pissed off!"
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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normally sarcastic! lol
one of your mates is pissed of and quiet!
But sometimes genuine lol when someone is always happy, bubbly and makes you feel cheered up to be with!
everyone sitting down havin a laugh except one of the crew and you say "oooh ay u just the bundle of laughs today!"
by trinkbar_trina March 29, 2005
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This is a promise made between very close friends and if it isn't kept all hope for furthuring your friednship to the future I LOST DEAD BURIED GONE!
You both lock your little fingers together and say "Pinky Promise", me and a ex did this and we split so erm it proves that its true yeah! because the promise wasn't kept and we don't see each other anymore!
Chris:"I will save you a double lolly!"
Kat: "Pinky Promise?"
Chris: "Pinky Promise!"
*Chris eats a whole bag of Double Lollie's and forgets about Kat, therefore Kat forgets about Chris...COMPLETLEY! lol*
by trinkbar_trina March 30, 2005
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punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. there is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself.
chavs hate people they think are punks mainly because they are scared of difference and wonder why on earth someone in the whole world can use their own brain without having to chip into someine elses thoughts and feelings for a change
***punk music rawks =P***
1) "I don't care what you think about me Im happy doing what I do, let me live it man!" =P

2) chav: "oi geeza! hes a punk innit? he dow know dat da punks am dead n stuff haha (thinks to self I wish I was that independant just not using the word independant since they dont understand the meaning) Lets all go knock him ouuuw in fronta ev'ryone should be laf innit? *giant group of 400 scared chavs approch punk*
punk: "grow up ned! go get laid by someone who has actually developed tits!"
by trinkbar_trina August 30, 2005
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