3 definitions by timmy meade

its a cell phone company that some speed freak who hooks up cell phones frauduently and calls his little company "timus mobility"
john - " is that a timus phone you got". mark- "yes it is and i only paid 40 dollars for it and its worked for free for two months.
by timmy meade August 5, 2008
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when you gather up whats left of what you have left.
its when you run out of crack and look on the floor for more.you have no crack left so you scrape your crack pipe for one last hoot. "you Jones-n-it-up last night
by timmy meade June 13, 2008
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to be lingo'd means to rob if you lived in a tent by the river, or if you were homeless and had your space or tent flailed. to be robed unknowning.
that guy just got "lingo'd", poor guy all his belongings were stolen. he just got "lingo'd", thats not the first time!! hehe
by timmy meade August 1, 2008
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