2 definitions by thispersondoesnotexist

Taimi is usually a girl’s name. These misunderstood goddesses are fast learners and VERY HOT. They are talented, beautiful and usually have a good music taste.

(There’s also an app named Taimi but it has nothing to do with the name).
Example: I’ve got a huge crush on Taimi!

Taimi is so good at this.
by thispersondoesnotexist November 23, 2021
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Taimi is a name for very beautiful and talented hot girls. Girls named Taimi are fast learners and good at almost everything. These misunderstood goddesses deserve the world and usually have a very good music taste.

(This is definition is for name, not the app)
I wish I was as beautiful as Taimi.
by thispersondoesnotexist November 23, 2021
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