2 definitions by thiskidlovesurbandic
When someone has a penis that is so small that it actually looks like the penis is heading inside the body.
--mostly found in asians
--mostly found in asians
That kid tyler has an inverted penis.
Dude i hear that the new asian kid at our school has an inverted penis
Dude i hear that the new asian kid at our school has an inverted penis
by thiskidlovesurbandic December 5, 2009
When a male sees a woman, transvestite, or fat slut that is so disgusting his penis actually jumps into his body.
dude think i have a run away erection from looking at you, i might now have an inverted penis.
Oh no i just got a run away erection from your girlfriend, damn she is ugly
Oh no i just got a run away erection from your girlfriend, damn she is ugly
by thiskidlovesurbandic December 5, 2009