4 definitions by this_chick
When you have a face only suitable for radio. Play on the saying "radio voice". In other words, when someone simply isn't pretty.
"Wow, you have a really good radio face!"
by this_chick January 26, 2010
by this_chick January 5, 2011
"mr macdougall called tila a jungle man when she let down her shaggy island curls"
"Tila did her jungle man dance with vigour"
"Tila did her jungle man dance with vigour"
by this_chick April 2, 2009
The name of a motor and technology museum in little insignificant new zealand.
MOTAT could also mean "shit her pants before she could get to the toilet and had to wash out her undies with her hands in the sink"
MOTAT could also mean "shit her pants before she could get to the toilet and had to wash out her undies with her hands in the sink"
by this_chick April 2, 2009