2 definitions by thelazy

The Act of getting so drunk that you puke, pass out and wake up in somebody else`s clothing, or in an unknown location. Often followed by a morning full of regret and embarassment.
Person 1: Dude, did you see Dave last night?

Person 2: Yea, He was Tyrelling so hard!
by thelazy August 10, 2012
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Arguably one of the world's most famous superheroes, recognized by the large "S" on his uniform.
A: Who is Superman?
B: You don't know who is superman?!
A: Not really.
B: He is one of the world's most recognizable superheroes, with a large S on his chest.
A: You mean the one in the marvel comic books?
B: Yes.
by thelazy December 8, 2007
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