2 definitions by thebestlolz

the magnificent tik toker that goes by the same name is a yttd account and often is considered funny or the opposite where some people discriminate against their love for the also wonderful alice yabusame.
example 1: hey, did you see qtip.burgers new video? "no who tf is that?" a very cool person who you should know by now

example 2: i love alice yabusame! yeah but have you met qtip.burgers? they REALLY love alice yabusame.
by thebestlolz February 17, 2022
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a loser who has nothing better to do with their life but be a loser on the internet
"i love yttd tik tok"
well be careful, you might witness ibushiswetpaw and want to die"
by thebestlolz February 8, 2022
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