4 definitions by the watcher

1. That critical moment between 'having to take a dump real bad' and 'having an accident in your pants'.

2. The feeling that a turd is on the cusp of 'peeking' out of one's anus, resembling a turtle's head coming out of its shell.
We gotta stop this car and find a restroom soon! I got a peeking turtle over here!
by the watcher April 4, 2003
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when you take a long submarine shaped piece of shit, freeze it completely, and use it as a ribbed dildo for your ass
by the watcher March 11, 2004
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Upper arm fat in the elbow region, resembling jelly in a plastic bag. Commonly found on grossly overweight people.
Dayum! She's got thunder thighs and jellbows!
by the watcher April 2, 2003
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The proper name given to urine once it is placed on fresh produce.
1. I got drunk the other day, and while staggering home I stopped by Ol Man Johnson's farm and sprayed his crops with pissticide.

2.Bobby angered his waiter by acting like a jerk when he ordered his dinner, so the waiter got revenge by spraying his salad with pissticide.
by the watcher May 23, 2003
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