2 definitions by thatotheronechick

Some girl that has tits and a cornbread booty. typically found sucking someone’s face, hanging out with losers, or kissing trump supporters/rats. some may think she’s hot but others think she’s dangerous and scared that she may bite their head off in their sleep. Jada Roe is the type to fall in love with trump supporters or gay guys.
Nerd: “did you hear that Jada Roe kissed that trump supporter?”

Other Nerd: “ ew really poor him... but like her cornbread booty...”

Nerd: “ ew loser”
by thatotheronechick December 20, 2019
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bebe is typically white with blue eyes. she's 9 feet tall and hangs around short people to feel more powerful. they're uwu girls and talk to guys with weird names like jimmy and juneil. but despite dating guys with the same name as some pedos, she also falls in love with every girl that makes eye contact with her. Not many people know that if you sit on her lap you would most definitely feel a heart beat. be careful with her she may cut you throat for fun or just to see what its like.
Friend 1 : oh my god I was talking to bebe bronx on the phone and she called her father "daddy"

Friend 2 : Yeah I was there

Friend 1 : It was disGUStang

Friend 2 : I mean I wouldn't mind being called daddy

Friend 1 : ...
by thatotheronechick September 15, 2020
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